A good thing to remember in all our relationships w/ people.
What lesson/s am I learning from this?
What repeats that doesn’t make you happy?
That’s where your lesson lies.
With an open heart, what can you do to change it that makes you happy?
Is it a sign to you to change something in your life?
To give you another perspective?
To give you a kick in the butt?
To make you stand up for yourself?
To voice your feelings instead of pushing them down all the time?
To let go? To love with no expectations?
To respect someone’s choice without trying to change them?
Sometimes the lesson is to part ways. To move on. Your paths have changed.
There’s a belief, that we all make a pact before we are born w/ other souls to help each other learn different lessons that our soul wants us to learn in each lifetime to move to a higher spiritual level. So some folks only show up for a short time for us to learn one lesson. Others are longer in our lives because we have much deeper soul lessons to learn.
This is one way of looking at relationships to make sense of why things happen. For us to blossom as a soul. For us to become who we really are deep inside all these layers covering us - smothering us. Like a butterfly emerging thru its cocoon. Be that butterfly. Learn your lessons - hard as they may be - and emerge stronger and wiser and with an open heart...fly!
Peace out my fellow “I’m a butterfly”...peace out.
Stacy 😊🌺
[Friday 2/14/20]
[Photography: Canva]