The way to a healthier and happier life is to "Go Back to the Basics".
FOOD: This means eat more "whole foods", less of everything, cut out the crappy processed foods [anything store bought with more than 4 ingredients or anything with words that sound "scientific"], reduce your sugar/salt/fat/oils/meats/dairy/gluten, eat MORE Organic Vegetable of variety of colors & Organic Fruits, stop eating after 8pm, reduce Alcohol to 3 glasses per week, and DRINK MORE WATER!
EXERCISE: Yeah, you heard me. Get out and walk at a brisk pace for at least 30 min a day. Get your heart going. You can even do this in your own home. Prisoners do this in their little cell...for goodness sakes ~ so we don't have an excuse. We were made to MOVE...so get off your butts and start MOVING! Dance, swim, run, walk fast, play soccer/basketball/what have you. Just get moving.
SLEEP: Nightly, our bodies heal, repair, clean out, rejuvenate when we are sleeping. Research says that this is done nightly 10pm to 2am. Our bodies cannot do this when we are awake. Think about it. So, sleep earlier so you are the best body you can be in the morning.
MEDITATE: Yeah, you heard me. Let your brain/mind take a breather from it's normal juggling act it does 24/7. Try sitting for 5 min and just BE. If a thought pops up, don't latch onto it...let it Go. This gives your brain/mind some "breathing room" to be calm and destressed. Build up to 20 min a day. You can break this into smaller segments if need be. I do this early morning and late night before I go to bed. I have my spot ~ on our front porch overlooking our garden ~ sitting on my chair. Find your spot and make it a good habit.
HAVE SOME FUN: Daily do something ~ anything that makes you happy. Do something different than you normal comatose zombie watching Korean tv or Netflix or Prime. What makes you really happy? Is it reading? Listening to relaxing music? Walking around your quiet neighborhood? Staring at the stars? Talking to your kids? Playing with your pets? Drawing/knitting/crocheting/writing? Do something besides your "normal" tv watching. And have some FUN.
EXPRESS YOURSELF: Weekly, make it a Great habit to talk to your friends, family and strangers ~ turn them into friends. And Express yourself. Ask them how they are doing. Then, Share with them how you are doing. Go a little deeper than you normally would. Stretch that friendship/relationship with real feelings. This has been proven to help us with better emotional, mental and physical health. And, it strengthens your relationships and makes them that much stronger.
This will get you going on the right path for physical, emotional and mental memory health. Really. There's research that backs this up. And, really, when you think about it...this is how folks have been living for thousands of years. Back to the basics. Makes for the Best You.
Peace out my fellow "wanna live the Happy life" friends...Peace out! Stacy
[Th 10/17/19]
Want to have a one on one session with me?
Coaching and/or Wellness Session [Energy work, Craniosacral, Facial Reflexology, Japanese Face Lifting]
Contact me by visiting my website: www.stacychengsuzuki.com
[Photographer: Stacy Cheng Suzuki]